Yeah, CQL (Clojure Query Language) is that data manipulation example I
was mentioning. :)

On 9/10/08, Allen Rohner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > What are you doing with Clojure?
> A webapp using compojure + statistics ( bayes probability,
>  clustering )
>  > What 3 features would you most like to see added next?
> 1. friendlier compiler error messages
>  2. better stack traces (maybe a "clojure-only" mode that only prints
>  the lines in the stack trace that are clojure files (or non-clojure
>  compiler files). Then have a verbose setting that includes the path
>  through the compiler. When in verbose mode, not have java print
>  "here's some of the stack, and 100 other lines that I'm not going to
>  show you"
>  Finally, not that I'm asking you or anyone else to build this, I'm
>  just throwing this out there to see if anyone else is thinking along
>  the same lines as me :-). I think it would be really cool to build a
>  database in Clojure. SQL the language sucks, and the overhead of
>  sending SQL strings to a remote process and having it compile the
>  command sucks. Allow the database to live inside the user process (for
>  small datasets), and make the interface the same whether the DB is in-
>  processs or an external process.
>  Start out simple, with just a b-tree library and a serializing data
>  structures library. Clojure already supports transactions and thread
>  isolation. In the future, build a query language (lisp DSL of course!)
>  and add support for remote eval i.e. send an sexp over a socket to a
>  remote JVM.
>  Allen
>  >

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