Thank you very much! Your trick worked and it even made me realize
that the match-forms function is not even required. I've replaced it
by a much more simple is-match? function and completely overhauled the
match macro.

Here's the new code with your corrections, some other improvements and
an example of how I intend to use it:

(defn result [v] #(list [v %]))

(def zero (fn [s] ()))

(def item
  #(cond (= 0 (. % length)) ()
         true (list [(. % (charAt 0))
                     (. % (substring 1))])))

(defn bind [p f]
  (fn [s]
     (let [r (p s)]
       (if (= 0 (count r)) r
           (mapcat #(let [[v s] %] ((f v) s)) r)))))

(defn sat [p]
  (bind item #(if (p %) (result %) zero)))

(defn pchar [c] (sat #(= % c)))

(defn is-match? [p t]
  (if (and (seq? p) (= 'quote (first p)))
    (= t (second p))
    (symbol? p)))

(defmacro match [value & clauses]
  (when (and clauses (= 0 (rem (count clauses) 2)))
    (let [[c1 c2 & cr] clauses
          only-sym #(or (not (symbol? %)) (= '_ %))
          syms (map #(if (only-sym %) (gensym) %) c1)]
      `(if (and (every? identity (map is-match? '~c1 ~value))
                (or (some (fn [x#] (= '& x#)) '~c1)
                    (= (count '~c1) (count ~value))))
         (if (= 0 (count '~syms)) false
             (let [~(vec syms) ~value] ~c2))
         (match ~value [EMAIL PROTECTED])))))

(defn- parser-error []
  (new Exception "Parser must end with non-binding form."))

(defn- expand-parser-body [body s]
  (let [rec (fn [p xs]
              `(let [r# (~p ~s) ~s (second (first r#))]
                 (if (= 0 (count r#)) r#
                     ~(expand-parser-body xs s))))]
    (match body
           (_ '<- _) (parser-error)
           (p) (list p s)
           (v '<- p & xs) (rec p xs)
           (p & xs) (rec p xs))))

(defmacro parser [& body]
  (let [s (gensym 's)]
    `(fn [~s] ~(expand-parser-body body s))))

(defn split [s]
  (if (= 0 (count s)) []
      [(. s (charAt 0))
       (. s (substring 1 (count s)))]))

(defn join [c s]
  (. String (format "%c%s" (to-array [c s]))))

;; string :: String -> Parser String
(defn string [s]
  (if (= 0 (count s)) (result "")
      (let [[x xs] (split s)]
        (parser _ <- (pchar x)
                _ <- (string xs)
                (result (join x xs))))))

user=> ((string "hello") "hello world")
(["hello" " world"])

It's a straitforward implementation of the parser combinators
described in the "Monadic Parser Combinators" papers by Hutton and

Thanks again!!!

On Aug 26, 11:57 pm, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 6:02 PM, budu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, for now only the value s used by the parser macro is really
> > needed.
> I think you misunderstood me, but I'm not too sure.  Anyway, here's an 
> attempt:
> (defn match-forms [p s]
>   (if (= '_ p) []
>     (loop [p p s s vars []]
>       (cond
>         (and (= 0 (count p)) (= 0 (count s))) vars
>         (= 0 (count s)) nil
>         :else (let [[fp & rp] p [fs & rs] s]
>                 (cond
>                   ;; wildcard pattern
>                   (= '_ fp) (recur rp rs vars)
>                   ;; rest
>                   (and (symbol? fp) (= '& fp))
>                   (conj vars (first rp) (conj rs fs))
>                   ;; add variable to bindings
>                   (symbol? fp) (recur rp rs (conj vars fp fs))
>                   ;; match a symbol
>                   (and (seq? fp) (= 'quote (first fp)))
>                   (if (= fs (second fp)) (recur rp rs vars) nil)
>                   ;; not matching
>                   true nil))))))
> (defmacro match [value & clauses]
>   (when (and clauses (= 0 (rem (count clauses) 2)))
>     (let [[c1 c2 & cr] clauses
>           syms (take-nth 2 (match-forms c1 c1))]
>       `(if-let m# (take-nth 2 (rest (match-forms '~c1 ~value)))
>          (let [~(vec syms) (vec m#)]
>            ~c2)
>          (match ~value [EMAIL PROTECTED])))))
> The trick here is I run match-forms once at compile time to get the
> list of symbols that will need to be bound, even though I don't have
> the real values yet.  I use that list to set up a "let" expression.
> At runtime, I run match-forms again, but only take the values part and
> drop that into the "let" that I set up at compile time.
> That's probably not the best way to solve the problem, but it is *a*
> way, and may help you find a more correct solution.  ...and since I
> don't really understand what you're trying to do, I had only limited
> tests that I could try, so I've probably introduced some new bugs.
> But at the very least, your original examples now work:
> user=> (match '(1 2 3) (a b c) (list c b a))
> (3 2 1)
> user=> (let [z 4] (match '(1 2 3) (a b c) (list z c b a)))
> (4 3 2 1)
> --Chouser
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