On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 2:29 PM, noahr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) What's a good way to add to the end of a list?
> You could reverse it then cons then reverse it again
> You could convert to vector and use (conj.. or some such
> Both of the above seem very kludgey


Appending to a list is kludgey in general. Clojure's PersistentLists
are singly-linked lists (like Lisp's cons cells), and appending onto
their tails is O(n) because the entire list must be traversed to find
the tail (and IIRC because the source list is Persistent, the entire
structure must be reconstructed. This isn't the case for prepending to
a list, though).

If you need to append, or want append/prepend/insert functions, pick a
better data structure (like vectors).


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