On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Shawn Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For one thing, it seems like there must be a cleaner way to handle
> my use of reduce in test-shuffle-uniformity. I like reduce for
> looping functionally, but in this case I just need to run n times
> regardless of the specific values in (range n). Is that use case
> common enough for some kind of reduce-times macro?

I can't say I've needed such a thing very often.  Your own
reduce-times macro might clarify your code a bit, though.

> (defn test-shuffle-uniformity
>   "Shuffles a 3-item collection n times, mapping each result to the number of
>   times it's hit. If the distribution isn't uniform we've let bias into the
>   random numbers or the algorithm. Typical results on my machine:
>   (2 1 3) : 16611
>   (3 2 1) : 16771
>   (1 3 2) : 16707
>   (1 2 3) : 16766
>   (3 1 2) : 16555
>   (2 3 1) : 16590"
>   ([n] (test-shuffle-uniformity n shuffle))
>   ([n shuffle]
>      (let [coll [1 2 3]
>            results (reduce (fn [results _]
>                              (let [result (shuffle coll)]
>                                (assoc results result
>                                       (inc (or (get results result)
>                                                0)))))
>                            {} (range n))]
>        (doseq r results
>          (println (key r) ":" (val r))))))

You could simplify your reduce fn a bit by using merge-with:

(defn test-shuffle-uniformity
  "Shuffles a 3-item collection n times, mapping each result to the number of
  times it's hit. If the distribution isn't uniform we've let bias into the
  random numbers or the algorithm. Typical results on my machine:
  (2 1 3) : 16611
  (3 2 1) : 16771
  (1 3 2) : 16707
  (1 2 3) : 16766
  (3 1 2) : 16555
  (2 3 1) : 16590"
  ([n] (test-shuffle-uniformity n shuffle))
  ([n shuffle]
     (let [coll [1 2 3]
           results (reduce (fn [results _]
                             (merge-with + results {(shuffle coll) 1}))
                           {} (range n))]
       (doseq r results
         (println (key r) ":" (val r))))))


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