On 04.03.25 12:49, Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming via clamav-users wrote:
From the above output, it appears that clamscan is being used automatically.

When I login to my Virtualmin web hosting control panel, I will click Virtualmin at the top left, then click Email Settings > Spam and Virus Scanning.

Under the "Global spam and virus scanner options" tab, "Virus scanning program" option, the Standalone scanner (clamscan) was automatically selected. PLEASE NOTE THAT I HAVE NEVER CONFIGURED THIS SETTING BEFORE IN THE PAST. If I change the "Virus scanning program" option to Local server scanner (clamd), will my situation improve tremendously? Will the memory footprint reduce and bring about enhanced stability to my AlmaLinux 9.5 Virtual Private Server (VPS) in Germany?

Yes, as I wrote in one of my previous e-mails, scanning using "clamd" uses much less memory.


Note that I don't use virtualmin so I don't know how exactly it works, however virtualmin seems to already have option for that as It was already mentioned:


see the page:


the section "Reducing CPU load with Clamd"
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I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.

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