On Sun, 19 Jan 2025, Diggy via clamav-users wrote:

Where can I find which directives in "clamd.conf" apply to which components (clamd, clamdscan, clamonacc) ???

Hmm. Well, 'man clamdscan' does say that
    It accepts all the options implemented in clamscan but most of them
    will be ignored because its scanning abilities only depend on clamd.

For example, "MaxFileSize" should apply to both clamdscan and clamd. If clamdscan ignores this directive, it would stream every file regardless of size to a remote clamd only to be rejected by clamd AFTER "StreamMaxLength" has been reached.

Yes, and of course the client and server may have different values :-(

Unfortunately, the documentation I have read does not specify which directives apply to which components. (Yes, a very few directive descriptions do specify, but most do not.)

So, again, where can I find which directives in "clamd.conf" apply to which components (clamd, clamdscan, clamonacc) ???

I need to know this information when planning my ClamAV deployment, much of which will be fileserver clients using clamdscan and/or clamonacc to stream to a centralized clamd on the network.

If the documentation does not say, it *may* be that no-one has given
as much thought to this as you.
If the answer is critical it might be quickest to read the code
and see what it currently does, rather than what would be sensible, intended, or documented.

On a side note, my "MaxFileSize" example above ties back to my separate inquiry about "TCP socket vs. local Unix socket" and which clamd commands apply to which socket.

I would guess that nearly all commands apply to both types of socket.

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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