
In the Message; 

  Subject    : [clamav-users] Uninstalling clamAV on macOS
  Message-ID : 
  Date & Time: Tue, 17 Dec 2024 10:15:03 +0000

Kortschnoi via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> has written:

> Dear all,

> I couldn't find any instructions in the documentation on how to
> uninstall clamAV on macOS if you installed it using the
> installer. There are specific instructions for all other Unix and
> Linux distributions. Can someone help me?

You should ask in the masos user group, but can't you figure it out
with this?


Best Regards & Good Night.

┏━━┓彡     Masaru Nomiya                   mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛       "Reading widely about things that don't seem immediately or
               practically useful, in the hope that what you learn now may prove
               meaningful later―that's pretty much the definition of a liberal-
               arts education. Who knew that one of its best defenders would 
               out to be a computer scientist?"
                    -- "What Does It Really Mean to Learn?" THE NEW YORKER --

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