Dear Neel, factors such as CPU speed, RAM size, file size, number of files, number of personal antivirus libraries, size of each library (containing signatures which must the dates passed), etc. have an influence on the scanning speed.
kind greetings Marc Von / From: Clamav User Mailinglist <> An / To: Newcomer01 <> CC / CC: Neel Roy <> Gesendet / Sent: Freitag, Dezember 06, 2024 um 16:52 (at 04:52 PM) +0100 Betreff / Subject: [clamav-users] What does clamav scanning duration depends on?
Hello, While doing scan with clamscan or clamdscan, what does duration, cpu and memory requirement depends on? Does it depend on number of files or size of file? Thanks in advance, -Neel. _______________________________________________ Manage your clamav-users mailing list subscription / unsubscribe: Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:
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