> I am not using clamonacc. I run my own program that uses fanotify, just like 
> clamonacc does, and gets list of files that are modifed\added.
> I send that list to clamscan or clamdscan.

A bit like incrond (which uses inotify() )
> The problem is limitation of fanotify which is that "The fanotify API does 
> not report file accesses and modifications that may occur because of mmap(2), 
> msync(2), and munmap(2)."

Same goes for inotify() -- just checked.

So whenever a process alters a file using mmap()/munmap() or msync(),
your program (or rather inotify/fanotify) doesn't detect any change,
and thus the file wont be in the list passed to clamscan or clamdscan.
> Now my assumption is mmap, msync, munmap deals with memory mapped files. So 
> questions I have are:
> "does clamav scan memory mapped files?"

Yes: After all, a file is just a file. In the end, it's all on disk.

> Further details: If run clamscan or clamdscan on "/"; it would scan all files 
> so it does not matter. 
> But how does clamonacc overcomes this limitation since it uses fanotify?

I doesn't (from the clamonacc man page):

The clamonacc daemon registers for file access notifications from the
Linux kernel and in response, submits scans to the clamd scanning
daemon for a verdict. On-Access requires a kernel version >= 3.8,
because it leverages a kernel api called --> fanotify <-- to block
processes from attempting to access malicious files. 

> If it does, is there a way to ask clamav to scan just memory mapped files?

I'm not sure if this can easily be detected.

I guess one could monitor mmap() calls via dtrace, but I'm just guessing!

Ralf Hildebrandt
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netz | Netzwerk-Administration
Invalidenstraße 120/121 | D-10115 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 450 570 155

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