
In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [clamav-users] Simple text email scan occasionally takes 
many minutes
  Message-ID : <eb0513f2-bee3-4169-b9a1-d1ac3175f...@attglobal.net>
  Date & Time: Thu, 7 Nov 2024 23:17:44 -0800

[E] == Eddie via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> has written:

E>  On 11/7/2024 8:23 PM, Masaru Nomiya via clamav-users wrote:
MN> > So, have you set the ExcludePath in clamd.conf?
MN> > If not, it will scan all directories and take a long time?

E>  clamdscan is passed a single filename.  Why should it scan more
E>  than that.

Please have a look;


Best Regards & Good Night.

┏━━┓彡     Masaru Nomiya                   mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛       "During testing, Sakana found that its system began unexpectedly
               attempting to modify its own experiment code to extend the time
               it had to work on a problem."
               -- Research AI model unexpectedly attempts to modify its own code
                  to extend runtime (ars TECHNICA) --

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