Hi j, I see you are seeing this error, even though you're having it use your own private database mirror: "FreshClam previously received error code 429 or 403 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network (CDN)."
When freshclam fails to download because of a 429 or 403 error code the database mirror, it will record this in the freshclam.dat file next to the databases. Subsequent attempts to run freshclam will just check that file and self-rate limit until 24 hours have passed. After that expires, freshclam will actually try to update again. I doubt your own private mirror served up a 429 or 403 error message, so it's possible you got that prior to switching over to your private mirror. To speed things up, try deleting the freshclam.dat file in your database directory, then try freshclam again. Regards, Micah Micah Snyder (they/them) ClamAV Development Talos Cisco Systems, Inc. ________________________________ From: clamav-users <clamav-users-boun...@lists.clamav.net> on behalf of j via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 2:24 AM To: clamav-users@lists.clamav.net <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> Cc: j <jcpars...@gmail.com> Subject: [clamav-users] Issue getting private local mirror to work Hello, I have set up cvdupdate on my server and apache to serve the files - no issues there, cvdupdate checks and gets the latest updates. Issue is with downstream servers. I can curl the files directly, but freshclam wont get them. I've set the following in freshclam.conf: DNSDatabaseInfo no DatabaseMirror https://cvdupdate.host/db But on running freshclam I am still getting: # freshclam --debug ClamAV update process started at Wed Jul 17 15:39:10 2024 WARNING: Can't query no WARNING: Invalid DNS reply. Falling back to HTTP mode. WARNING: FreshClam previously received error code 429 or 403 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network (CDN). This means that you have been rate limited or blocked by the CDN. 1. Verify that you're running a supported ClamAV version. See https://docs.clamav.net/faq/faq-eol.html for details. 2. Run FreshClam no more than once an hour to check for updates. FreshClam should check DNS first to see if an update is needed. 3. If you have more than 10 hosts on your network attempting to download, it is recommended that you set up a private mirror on your network using cvdupdate (https://pypi.org/project/cvdupdate/) to save bandwidth on the CDN and your own network. 4. Please do not open a ticket asking for an exemption from the rate limit, it will not be granted. WARNING: You are still on cool-down until after: 2024-07-17 18:32:06 Any assistance would be appreciated please. Thanks
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