On 30.06.24 15:55, christian via clamav-users wrote:
I'm currently struggling with the problem that my clamav daemon creates /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl as a socket, but I can't connect to Rspamd.

why should clamav connect to rspamd, shouldn't it be the other way?

At first I thought that rspamd wasn't sending anything, but clamav isn't addressing any socket.

When I check this using sockstat, no active socket is displayed. So clamav doesn't seem to be addressing the socket.

I don't use sockstat, but did you run "lsof /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"?

I uninstalled everything from clamav again and deleted the directories by hand. Then I downloaded everything again from the Debian 12 repository. Everything is created and a new socket is created, but the same thing happens again: the socket doesn't work.

deleted directories? This should not be needed in debian.
Did you just uninstall clamav packages or also purge them?

LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl
The logs show that the signatures are loaded and the function is checked every 3600 seconds. But the socket is not working.

"not working" how?

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