On 6/23/2024 9:28 AM, andre.nz--- via clamav-users wrote:
I'm a big fan of clamav and really appreciate all the work that goes into it. 
So I hope this doesn't come across as rude.

Just in regards to the website and logo etc it comes across as quite odd. Other 
av's and security software use monsters, insects, bugs etc on there website and 
images etc as symbols of malware and dangerous things attacking the users files 
and software. But clamav is confusing in this regard, is the red monster meant 
to be the antivirus or the virus? Has the clamav team thought of putting out 
requests for a new logo or mascot, other open source projects have done this, 
KDE has received some great art from users. I think it could really benefit the 
clamav project. Something fresh, strong and positive symbolising clamav.
I had honestly never even looked at the logo until this post, and I've used ClamAV for well almost two decades. I read that ClamAV was good on Linux, I installed it, I use it. Tux the penguin doesn't make me think Linux isn't capable, but it has nothing to do with Linux.

I''m not criticizing you AT ALL, but I honestly don't think the logo affects anyone's opinion about the usability/capabilities of this particular project. I'm happy to be proven wrong, and if I am wrong, I apologize in advance. But I've never really heard anyone say "OMG that logo doesn't make sense, so I'm not going to use that Open Source project!"


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