Another option is to use a centralized scanning server. We've done that for our 
hosts. That central host has lots of memory and cores and the individual 
systems don't need nearly as much resources.<>
 has some notes about this.

Jon Schewe

Principal Software Systems Technologist

C: +1 612.263.2718

O: +1 952.545.5720<>

RTX BBN Technologies

5775 Wayzata Blvd. Suite 630

St. Louis Park, MN 55416

From: clamav-users <> on behalf of Andrew 
C Aitchison via clamav-users <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 1:37 AM
To: Mikhail Soumar via clamav-users <>
Cc: Andrew C Aitchison <>
Subject: [External] Re: [clamav-users] Question on ClamAV memory usage with 
respect to the signature database

On Tue, 18 Jun 2024, Mikhail Soumar via clamav-users wrote:

> We are a team from Microsoft Azure running ClamAV on small Linux
> VMs, and due to business and cost reasons we cannot use larger
> VMs. Peak memory usage of ClamAV is between 1.2GB and 1.5GB, which
> is unsustainable on our VMs, and we are looking for ways to reduce
> this. There are some tips to reduce memory usage in the Docker
> section of the documentation (Docker - ClamAV
> Documentation<*memory-ram-requirements__;Iw!!MvWE!GGcYKjlXs5_7sgZFQQ_R2x34KYiuNb-IuNvT5lpY14HStd-gWDGefpV5PD3IYP9qx7LGgkVo6tsNrnJHGyK2symMZM4$
>  >)
> although if I understand correctly the 1.2GB load is unavoidable
> even with the suggestions listed on this page.
> We have been told that one possibility is to remove all virus
> signatures that are Windows-specific, which would reduce the memory
> footprint to about 300 MB. Elsewhere on the ClamAV FAQ I see a few
> different ways to add signatures to the database but none about
> taking a subset. Would this be something you support or recommend
> for our use case? If not, are there alternatives we can consider to
> reduce the memory footprint of ClamAV well below 1.2GB?

ClamAV has never caught a Linux virus for me, so I don't know whether
it makes sense to run ClamAV without the Windows data.
Do you have the resources to curate a custom database,
bearing in mind that the standard dbs are updated daily ?
(freshclam and cvdupdate do work with the cdiff incremental updates,
so at least you would not have to remove the same signatures from the
database every day.)

I don't know how viable this is, but you do not have to run the ClamAV
daemon on every VM; you can use a remote daemon and pass files to be
scanned with clamdscan. This would also save you more than 10 seconds
at startup.

How much memory does Microsoft Defender use on Linux ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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