Hello everyone,

I have two different versions of clamav installed on two different OS: Red Hat 
9 and Red Hat 7
Red Hat 7 has 0.103.11
Red Hat 9 has 1.0.5

Both are using the same pattern definition files 27260 Mon Apr 29 2024.
They are also using the same main.cvd bytecode.cld and freshclam.dat files 
because the freshclam service is pointed to the same location on both.

1.0.5 flags these two files as Win.Malware.Sivis-6744986-0
0.103.11 says these two files are safe.

I'm running clamdscan filename - -move=/opt/clamav/quarantine


Does anyone know why one flags and the older version doesn't?

Hong-Duc Vu
Email: hong-duc...@jhuapl.edu<mailto:hong-duc...@jhuapl.edu>


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