So I have a kali Linux server, could I use that to scan my windows vms for 
viruses using this "For Linux etc. you can get a central machine (either the 
same server or a different one) to connect to each client, eg with ssh, and 
make it run the above scan?"

Sorry I am quite clamav so sorry if I am being stupid but I just want a simple 
way to scan my LAN for viruses and get results back and not have to run 15 
different clam scans on all my vms. 

-----Original Message-----
From: clamav-users <> On Behalf Of Andrew 
C Aitchison via clamav-users
Sent: 05 April 2024 17:21
To: Nathan Millard via clamav-users <>
Cc: Andrew C Aitchison <>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] Help with clamav

On Fri, 5 Apr 2024, Nathan Millard via clamav-users wrote:

> I would like some help setting up clamav to scan remote hosts from a 
> clamd server is this possible?


In the likely setup,
each client reads the files and sends them to the server for checking.

For Linux etc. you can get a central machine (either the same server or a 
different one) to connect to each client, eg with ssh, and make it run the 
above scan. Alternatively you could use cron etc. to get each client to run the 
scan itself and send the results to the central machine.

For a server to scan a client you would have to make a client share its 
filesystems with the server. Whilst this is possible, I suspect (I've never 
tested it) that this would be slower than sending the files over the net to be 
checked - the remote clam scan protocol has a low overhead.

Suprisingly, the remote scan can be faster than running the scan locally on 
each client, since the checks require a significant amount of RAM (more than a 
GB) and the clamd server caches previous scan results, so it may not need to 
try each virus definition on every file.

Are you looking to write the scripts yourself, or searching for someone to do 
it for a fee ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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