*   I am hosting the ClamAV DB files on S3.
  *   I have a lambda routinely running as a cron job that downloads the latest 
DB files from S3 to a local dir and runs freshclam against said dir as its 
database directory.
  *   freshclam is correctly identifying the daily.cvd as out of date
     *   log: daily database available for update (local version: 27225, remote 
version: 27234)
  *   however, it is failing to unpack daily.cvd so it can be patched
     *   log: WARNING: Wed Apr 3 21:15:46 2024 -> [LibClamAV] cli_untgz: Wrote 
0 instead of 512 
     *   log: WARNING: Wed Apr 3 21:15:46 2024 -> [LibClamAV] CVD unpacking 
failed for: daily.cvd
     *   log: ERROR: Wed Apr 3 21:15:46 2024 -> mkdir_and_chdir_for_cdiff_tmp: 
Can't unpack daily.cvd into 
  *   After this freshclam gives up trying to patch daily.cvd and downloads the 
full file again

Running the same image locally within Docker desktop everything works fine. The 
main difference I can see is that when running locally it's running as root.
I have tried to set total open permissions (chmod -R 777) on /tmp/clamav/db 
after obtaining the latest DB files from S3; didn't fix it.
I also notice that the clamav user is not present (when list users via getent 
passwd) when running as a lambda.

Lambda is running from a docker container; base image is alpine with clamav 
installed as "apk add --no-cache clamav-daemon clamav-libunrar".

Any ideas what I can look at next?


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