On Mon, 25 Mar 2024, McCarthy, John D. [US-US] via clamav-users wrote:

How does one Obtain ClamAV Linux Anvi-Virus Database File Updates
for Systems not Connected to the internet?  All our systems are
air-gapped (not internet connected) so as ClamAV provides Linux
Anvi-Virus Database File Updates for viruses as they are identified,
what link or website can I connect to download the latest signature

https://www.clamav.net/downloads says:
  If your network is segmented or the end hosts are unable to reach the
  internet, you should investigate setting up a private local mirror
  using the cvdupdate tool.

cvdupdate will store not just the current database files, but the cdiffs
too, which the client machibes can use to update their database files.

Don't use a web browser, wget or curl to download the updates;
that will get you blocked, since there has been a history
of misuse. Only freshclam and cvdupdate are exempt from this block.

Unless you allow sneaker-net - USB sticks and the like - you should
not actually need an anti-malware app on your air-gapped machines.

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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