
I'm wondering if someone can tell me more about what Clam's logrotate 
functionality offers, in particular if it can compress and/or deletes log 
files? If Clam does compress / delete log files, how is it deciding when to do 
so (e.g. does it delete log files of a certain age)?

In our current Clam config we don't specify values for either the 
LogFileMaxSize nor the LogRotate settings. From reading the config comments I 
understand that LogFileMaxSize will default to 1M and therefore LogRotate will 
be enabled. When running our container we can see log files being created and 
rotated once they reach the size of 1M. However, we're seeing that our 
container is slowly getting filled up with these log files as they don't seem 
to be being deleted.

Does Clam's logrotate provide any compressing or deletion of log files? If so, 
what settings does it use? If this isn't functionality that's included in 
Clam's logroate, what's the recommended pattern to follow? I assume that would 
be to create config for a custom logrotate job which is then coped over when 
defining the Clam docker image?

For reference, we're making use of the Clam image clamav:1.0.1 from 

Thank you.

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