On 23/08/2023 02:11, Amit Singh via clamav-users wrote:
I am able to download virus definition but unable to run clamd. Can
someone help?
*Command Used:*docker run -it -v clamd-vol:/var/lib/clamav
--publish 3310:3310 --network host --env
'CLAMAV_NO_FRESHCLAMD=true' clamav/clamav:stable_base
*Error:**Socket for clamd not found yet, retrying*(111/1800) ...
*Observation:*The default config (at /etc/clamav/clamd.conf),
mentions LocalSocket /tmp/clamd.sock. But there is no file at
Am I supposed to generate that file myself? Can someone please help?
You haven't described your environment so it's difficult to understand
what you're trying to achieve but regardless the socket file should be
created automatically by clamd when it starts.
I'm not a Docker expert but it looks like you're sharing the AV
signature databases from the Docker host as a volume with the container,
presumably as Freshclam is running on the host, then trying to run clamd
inside the container.
Is there a reason you want to run Freshclam on the host but clamd in the
container? Is clamd running anywhere else on that host?
If you want clamd to listen on 3310, add the following to clamd.conf and
restart clamd:
TCPSocket 3310
Adam Sweet
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