
Currently using Clamav 0.103.8 and I am looking at Clamav 1.0.1 as our next LTS service.

I have one small custom .wdb file which works fine with 0.103.8 and earlier versions.

However this .wdb will not play with 1.0.1 and produces

root@myhouse:/home/paule# /usr/local/bin/clamscan --debug -d /etc/clamav/phishing/spoofwhitelist.wdb clam-v3.rar
LibClamAV debug: searching for unrar, user-searchpath: /usr/local/lib
LibClamAV debug: unrar support loaded from /usr/local/lib/libclamunrar_iface.so.11.0.0
LibClamAV debug: Initialized 1.0.1 engine
LibClamAV debug: Initializing phishcheck module
LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck: Compiling regex: ^ *(http|https|ftp:(//)?)?[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}[/?:]? *$
LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck module initialized
LibClamAV debug: Bytecode initialized in interpreter mode
LibClamAV debug: Loading regex_list
LibClamAV Warning: cli_realloc(): File or section is too large to scan (0 bytes) .                      For your safety, ClamAV limits how much memory an operation can allocate to 1073741824 bytes LibClamAV Error: Can't load /etc/clamav/phishing/spoofwhitelist.wdb: Can't allocate memory
ERROR: Can't allocate memory
LibClamAV debug: Cleaning up phishcheck
LibClamAV debug: Freeing phishcheck struct
LibClamAV debug: Phishcheck cleaned up

If I replace spoofwhitelist.wdb (33 sigs) with daily.wdb there is no memory allocation issue error. So no doubt something in my file is initiating the problem on 1.0.1

Any pointers welcome



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