Hello Andreas,

please try in Terminal:

man clamscan or clamscan --help to see which option it have OR
man clamdscan or clamdscan --help to see his options

I prefer here on my system clamscan, this has much more additional parameters 
as clamdscan

kind greetings

Von / From: Clamav User Mailinglist <mailto:clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>
An / To: Newcomer01 <mailto:newcome...@posteo.de>
CC / CC: Schulze, Andreas <mailto:andreas.schu...@datev.de>
Gesendet / Sent: Montag, März 13, 2023 um 09:03 (at 09:03 AM) +0100
Betreff / Subject: [clamav-users] clamdscan: show clean files?


we like to scan directories an gather verbose reports. These must include 
information about the scan result for each file.

Using clamdscan, this does not happen: clamdscan inform only on infected files.

# clamdscan --version

ClamAV 1.0.1

# ls -l /tmp/files/

total 8

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27 Mär 13 08:31 clean.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 69 Mär 13 08:32 EICAR.COM

# clamdscan --no-summary /tmp/files/

/tmp/files/EICAR.COM: Eicar-Signature FOUND

Using clamscan, also clean files are listed:

# clamscan --no-summary /tmp/files/

/tmp/files/EICAR.COM: Eicar-Signature FOUND

/tmp/files/clean.txt: OK

And this is exactly what we like to see using clamdscan.

Any hints are appreciated …



– Intern –

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Prof. Dr. Peter Krug (stellv. Vorsitzender)
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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Nicolas Hofmann


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