On 27/02/2023 21:33, joe a wrote:
On 2/27/2023 4:24 PM, Paul Netpresto wrote:
On 27/02/2023 20:57, joe a wrote:
On 2/27/2023 3:52 PM, joe a wrote:
On 2/27/2023 3:47 PM, joe a wrote:
Got an email marked as infected by clamav. I cannot determine
what was detected.
A long time ago I asked here and someone described how to scan an
individual email file, log the results and scan the log for what
was detected. Or maybe clued me in on which log I was not
searching properly.
Did not find that conversation it in the email archives.
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Well never mind that part, it is shown clearly in
/var/log/clamd.log as "Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain".
What I think I conflated that with the means to determine the
details so I can add that to a .ign* file. Something to do with
debug mode I think.
Or, determine why this was detected in a valid email from a known
and utilized credit card service. Or is it simpler to "white list"
this sender and move on?
If you have sufficient free memory use clamscan to scan the email in
question. It should be kind enough to highlight the reason why
Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain was triggered.
I attempted that just now. Ran clamscan --debug -f some-email.eml
After it cranks up and apparently beings actually scanning the email,
starts cranking out errors/warnings like:
Return-path: <s...@body.com>: No such file or directory
WARNING: Return-path: <s...@body.com>: Can't access file
Seems to be t
This particular email was previously scanned and found to be possibly
infected with "Heuristics.Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain" and am
attempting to determine the actual objectionable domain.
Clearly I am doing something wrong.
Try clamscan some-email.eml
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