oh and by the way: if you are using an russian ip, it can also be blocked and will not be unblocked. this you can find on a discussion on talos github
Von / From: Clamav User Mailinglist <mailto:clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> An / To: Newcomer01 <mailto:newcome...@posteo.de> CC / CC: Łukasz Baniecki <mailto:baniecki.luk...@gmail.com> Gesendet / Sent: Freitag, Februar 24, 2023 um 12:55 (at 12:55 PM) +0100 Betreff / Subject: [clamav-users] Probably banned IP
Hi, some time ago I run freshclam on a lot of machines that are under one public IP, therefore I generated a lot of requests and my company IP was probably blocked. Now I created my own mirror of cvd, but it is on the same IP address and it is not updating daily.cvd. I get: cvdupdate-1.0.2 ERROR Failed to download daily.cvd from https://database.clamav.net/daily.cvd?version=26821 I also run simple python request to database.clamav.net with my uuid, and it worked fine from different IP address and from that blocked address I get 403 forbidden. My local firewall is not an issue cause I can make connection to database.clamav.net on port 443, so it must be banned. Can you please check if my IP address ( is banned and un-ban it?
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