Hart, Steven A. via clamav-users wrote:
Hello all,
ClamAV documentation states that tar archives are supported. I've
created a small sample tar archive that includes an eicar sample.
Clamscan seems to only look at the tar archive as a single file and does
not hit on the eicar sample within. I've tried using the "-a" and
"--scan-archive=yes" flags with no improvements. I would appreciate
advice as to if clamscan can actively scan tar archives directly.
kdeugau@ele:~/$ tar -c ~kdeugau/dev/eicar >testeicar.tar
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
kdeugau@ele:~/$ clamscan
/home/kdeugau/testeicar.tar: Eicar-Signature FOUND
kdeugau@ele:~/$ clamscan -V
ClamAV 0.103.3/26393/Mon Dec 20 04:19:51 2021
(Debian package; only Debian testing and unstable have 0.103.4 so far,
no sign of 0.104.)
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