Hi there,

On Thu, 9 Dec 2021, novpenguincne via clamav-users wrote:

Here is where I'm at trying to get clam to run on an older 32-bit O/S.

Whether it's 32 bit or 64 bit shold not be an issue.  The age of the OS
is a significant issue which has already been mentioned.

After testing the install (from source) of every version between 99
and 104, the highest level version that I could get to successfully
install was 100.  Once I try 101 or higher, there are just too many
dependency issues to get the configure/make/makeinstall to run

So I've settled on v100.  I was able to install 100 and running
freshclam successfully downloads current definition files from my
proxy.  I can run clamscan and scan the entire file system and it
does sucessfully find the test files in the test directory of the
install package.

0.100.x has been EOL since October 2021.



especially the bits about not testing with it, about breaking it, and
about not permitting it to download database updates.

Now I'm moving on to the on-access/real-time scanning with clamd.
After much work on getting the config file set correctly, when I try
to start the daemon, I'm back to getting the "malformed database"
issue that has forced our upgrade from v98.

Is this a case where v100 freshclam CAN use the current databases
but clamd CAN'T use the current databases?

I think you're just wasting your time, and the time of everybody else
reading your posts about this subject.  Please read the release notes
for later versions, especially the parts which talk about on-access
scanning in which some serious faults have recently been rectified.

The probability that anything useful will come out of your efforts is
IMO small, and the probability that you will create more problems than
you think you are solving is significantly larger - not least because
you are knowingly running unsupported code with known vulnerabilities.

If you really want to scan your filesystems - an activity of dubious
value at the best of times - and you can't build the latest ClamAV on
the OS, then the best you can probably do is scan remotely.  You can
do this either by remotely mounting the devices to be scanned on a
scanning device on which you *can* install the latest ClamaV, or by
running a local clamdscan connected to a remote but up-to-date clamd.

These suggestions have already been made to you.  Remote mounts are
straightforward, but, given your difficulties building executables,
running a local clamdscan may not be easy for you.  As I've said if
all else fails I could offer a Perl script which could do a similar
job, but I do still think it would be fairly pointless.

The basic advice has to remain the same.  You need to upgrade.  If you
want reasonably good security, this is not optional.




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