I followed the instructions to install the prerequisites and then went through the
steps for the default build. Everything went fine until I got to the last step.
$ sudo cmake --build . --target install
sudo: cmake: command not found
The instructions have me install cmake under my user directory (python3 -m pip
install --user cmake pytest). That works fine for the build and testing steps,
however, it becomes a problem when I try to do the install under sudo.
Do I need to re-install cmake system-wide, or is there a way I can specify to use the
local version when running sudo?
Could I log in as root, add the /home/username/.local/bin directory to the path, and
then do the install? If so, do I need to add the /home/username/.local/lib directory
to a lib variable?
I could just experiment with the settings, but that's a bit dangerous when running an
install as root.
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