Hi Joel,

One quick answer to why people do not upgrade the OS is that the hardware does not support the upgrade (mostly due to memory and x86_64).

I work with embedded systems where the code is very specific to the hardware so new hardware is not an option.

For others it may just be the hassle of starting setting up a new OS and fixing all the distribution bugs/annoyances that get installed with each new OS all over again.


On 27/07/2021 16:30, Joel Esler (jesler) via clamav-users wrote:

On Jul 27, 2021, at 11:27 AM, Paul Kosinski via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net <mailto:clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>> wrote:

On Mon, 26 Jul 2021 11:35:29 -0400
"Rick Cooper" <rcoo...@dwford.com <mailto:rcoo...@dwford.com>> wrote:

And what, exactly, is the reason for moving to cmake? I am sure you know
it's going to be problematic for thousands of people so I am curious what
tremendous gain of speed, size, memory usage or seciurity the other users
get from this change, or if it's just a convenience thing for the

I get the impression that *all* recent software development (at least in Open Source) has given up any notion of backward compatibility. For example, Firefox (even ESR) has been a disaster in the past few years, changing the UI with every major release, once totally blowing away users' bookmarks, and of course, completely invalidating many, many years of add-on development by many people due to switching from XUL to the less powerful WebExtensions.

Now I wonder what will happen when I next try to build ClamAV on my three different Debian systems (7, 8 & 10).

You can’t support everything, forever.  You have to push forward with new tools and technology that make securing your customers easier and better and provide more functionality to us (the authors of the ruleset) to better protect people (you).

If you’re using security software to protect yourself, why would you not do the most basic things and upgrade the OS of the systems underneath?  I never understood this.


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