> > here are the logs from 10:01 AM Jul 13:
> > Jul 13 10:01:02 storm freshclam[3930506]: Database test passed.
> > Jul 13 10:01:02 storm freshclam[3930506]: daily.cld updated (version:
> 26230, sigs: 3995778, f-level: 63, builder: raynman)
> > Jul 13 10:01:02 storm freshclam[3930506]: daily.cld updated (version:
> 26230, sigs: 3995778, f-level: 63, builder: raynman)
> > ...
> > ps -auwx|grep freshclam
> > clamav      3818  0.0  0.0  28952 12864 ?        Ss   12:00   0:00
> /usr/bin/freshclam -d --foreground=true
> The logs contain a lot of duplicated lines.  Maybe you have both a
> line like
> StandardOutput=syslog
> in your freshclam.service and *also* a line like
> LogSyslog yes
> in your freshclam.conf (or whatever passes for freshclam.conf in these
> screwy RedHat systems).  Well, you want one or the other but not both.
> I'd suggest commenting out the "LogSyslog yes" line and restarting the
> freshclam daemon.

I didn't have both set to yes but now I commented out LogSyslog and set
freshclam to log to its own log:
grep -v ^\# /etc/freshclam.conf | grep  .
DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
UpdateLogFile /var/log/freshclam.log
DatabaseOwner clamav
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
ConnectTimeout 60
ReceiveTimeout 60
SafeBrowsing no

Side note I did have af few of these enabled but I believe the unofficial
sigs program has them.

> Looks like it was either the update or the reboot.  An easy way to
> find out would be to just reboot.

Perhaps next week as we have summer session and some researchers logged in

>> Assuming that we can believe the timestamps, then any problems that
> >> arose from ownership by the clamupdate user/group had already happened
> >> at 12:02 so it was *not* the run of clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh at 12:14
> >> which caused them.
> >>
> >> Is this the first time that clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh ran?
> >
> > No it's been running all the time.
> I think we're confusing each other.  The clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
> script doesn't run like a daemon runs.  The script is started by
> something like a cron entry; it updates the configured databases if
> needed, then stops.  The unofficial update script only updates (or
> should only update) the third-party signature database files, that is
> everything except 'main', 'daily' and 'bytecode'.  I meant was it at
> 12:14 that the clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh script ran?  Presumably it's
> logging its activities somewhere, do you have that log?  The log
> location will be set in the configuration for the unofficial script.

Uploaded at

>   Something changed the
permissions on the directory /var/lib/clamav/, freshclam can no longer
> create the temporary directory it needs for the update.  I guess the
> unofficial update script disagrees with freshclam about the user and
> group for the database directory.  I believe freshclam is running as
> user clamupdate, group clamupdate (983:979) but you have the ownership
> on the directory set to user clamav, group clamav (985:981).

Right which is why I also tried added user clamav to the clamupdate group.

> Note
> that the only things which need to be able to write to the directory
> are freshclam and the unofficial update script.  These two must be
> configured to use the same user:group (or at least so that they can
> both write into the directory).  Find out where these things are
> configured and set them the same.

grep -i owner /etc/freshclam.conf (comments removed)
DatabaseOwner clamav

grep -i user /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf

grep -i user /etc/clamav-unofficial-sigs/user.conf

> If RedHat updates are setting the
> configuration of the freshclam daemon to use clamupdate:clamupdate it
> would explain why this happens after an update.

AFAIK, you have to manually run something like rpmconf -a to do force a new
config file.

> In that case it may
> be better to settle on clamupdate:clamupdate for both freshclam and
> the unofficial script.

I'm starting to believe the same. This is how it's set on another server I
oversee and no issues.

> It's also possible that you have something in
> the startup which is setting the directory user:group too, we'll take
> a look at that later if need be.

I believe it's this file:
cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/clamav-freshclam.service
Description=ClamAV virus database updater
Documentation=man:freshclam(1) man:freshclam.conf(5)
# If user wants it run from cron, don't start the daemon.

ExecStart=/usr/bin/freshclam -d --foreground=true


> After all this you may have to manually set the user/group IDs of
> /var/lib/clamav/ and the files in there (you can do that with the
> 'chown' and 'chgrp' commands) and you'll need to restart the freshclam
> daemon (again).

If/when this happens again I may just do that.

Finally when the dust has settled and you're happy that it isn't going
> to break again you can stop the cron job logging the permissions.  But
> leave it running until you're sure.


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