
This has started occurring on all our 103.2 systems.  Is this related to the " New Main & Daily CVD's are incoming" email from Joel earlier today

ERROR: cdiff_apply: lseek(desc, -350, SEEK_END) failed
ERROR: downloadPatch: Can't apply patch
The database server doesn't have the latest patch for the daily database (versio n 26232). The server will likely have updated if you check again in a few hours.
main database available for update (local version: 59, remote version: 60)
ERROR: cdiff_apply: lseek(desc, -350, SEEK_END) failed
ERROR: downloadPatch: Can't apply patch
The database server doesn't have the latest patch for the main database (version  60). The server will likely have updated if you check again in a few hours. bytecode.cld database is up-to-date (version: 333, sigs: 92, f-level: 63, builde
r: awillia2)


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