The version I am running is
from . The advantage of
using the portable version is that you do not need to install, but just to
use the software from the network path.

I understand "more" is not clamscan, I was just showing that the file in
question cannot be opened with clamscan nor with "more" as administrator. I
also understand if clamscan cannot read a file, it cannot scan it. My
question is how I can let clamscan to read a file, as I have shown that
even I cannot "more" a file used by another process as administrator.

If clamscan cannot scan a file used by another process, then I question the
usefulness of the software because a hacker can just install a virus file
and use it, clamscan will not be able to detect it.

On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 11:45 AM G.W. Haywood via clamav-users <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Mon, 12 Jul 2021, Michael Wang via clamav-users wrote:
> > I run ClamAV on windows using the latest portable installation with all
> > default configuration.
> What version of ClamAV, and where did it come from?
> > I run the task scheduler under the SYSTEM user with the highest
> > credentials checked, but I still have lots of permission denied
> > messages.
> That's to be expected if the scanning process can't read the data.
> > I logged in locally and checked one of the files under a powershell
> window
> > as *ADMINISTRATOR*, and I got:
> >
> > *PS C:\Users\j.doe\AppData\local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache> more
> .\V01.log*
> > *Get-Content : The process cannot access the file
> > 'C:\Users\j.doe\AppData\local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\V01.log' because
> > it is being used by another process.*
> The 'more' command is a pager, not a scanner.  In what you've posted I
> see no evidence of a ClamAV process doing (or failing to do) anything.
> > So do I have to live with it? If there is a virus file and this file is
> > being currently used, clamscan cannot detect it?
> Not necessarily.  If the scanner does not have permission to read
> something which you want it to scan, then obviously it cannot scan it.
> This applies just as much to devices and data streams via sockets as
> is does to files.  It's up to you to arrange for the scanner to have
> permission to do what you want it to do.  And in my view it's usually
> pointless to scan a log file with a virus scanner - if indeed that is
> what you're doing - and this applies especially to the log which is
> recording the progress of the scan.
> --
> 73,
> Ged.
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