On 06/05/2021 01:19, ClamAV® blog wrote:
"clamav-devel" GitHub repository name change to "clamav" <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Clamav/~3/HLo75DA2w0E/clamav-devel-github-repository-name.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email>
Ok, That is thus a misleading phrase since this only applies to the non-public  Cisco git repository.
The public git as stated on the website is still the correct one.

Clear and correct communication is a skill and should not be left to technical or otherwise untrained people.

--- Frans

A: Yes, just like that                            A: Ja, net zo
Q: Oh, Just like reading a book backwards         Q: Oh, net als een boek 
achterstevoren lezen
A: Because it upsets the natural flow of a story  A: Omdat het de natuurlijke 
gang uit het verhaal haalt
Q: Why is top-posting annoying?                   Q: Waarom is Top-posting zo 


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