
You wrote:
"The solution has been published for years. It's called freshclam and
it's what you should have been using, but apparently you weren't"

False, read my previous post.
Freshclam is no more able to get updates 

Most anti viral tools on the market provide a free build with free updates.
Under ArcaOS, only clamav is able to run but the developper who ported 0.9x 
version started to have portage issue starting with 0.99 (storage issue 
crashing clamd, clamav).
Any higher version was never ported and it seems that it couldn't right now.

To work, freshclam needs at least one available database access as it was until 


Le 13 mars 2021 01:47:15 GMT+01:00, "G.W. Haywood via clamav-users" 
<clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> a écrit :
>Hi there,
>On Sat, 13 Mar 2021, Rémy DODIN via clamav-users wrote:
>> I just found that my "antivirus essentiel" installed package
>> provided by Synology is unable to update virus definition file since
>> 03/06/2021 !
>Then should you not be talking to Synology?
>> ... quick solution for those with any skills.
>The solution has been published for years.  It's called freshclam and
>it's what you should have been using, but apparently you weren't, and
>there's no point acting all surprised about it now.  Whether or not
>you knew it, you were part of a big problem for the ClamAV team.  You
>should be apologizing to them, not telling them what you think they
>should have done to get you to stop abusing the valuable service which
>they provide to the whole planet at no charge.
>> I'm fully out of protection yet ...
>Please take this opportunity to calm down and think about what you're
>doing.  You seem to think that before this happened your system *was*
>somehow magically "protected" and that now the protection is gone.
>Unfortunately, for reasons which at the moment don't matter but which
>we can go into in due course, it really isn't like that.
>For now, quit complaining and let us have technical details about your
>system so that we can help you.  We aren't clairvoyant, so without the
>details we can't help you very much at all.  Your computer, operating
>system, the main applications for the computer, the exact versions of
>whatever approximation to ClamAV that you have obtained from Synology,
>how your computer connects to the Internet.  Read a few posts on this
>mailing list to get other ideas about useful information to give us,
>and think about anything else you can tell us that might be relevant.
>> "Ce message et toutes ses pièces jointes sont établis à l'intention
>> exclusive de son/ses destinataire(s) et sont confidentiels. Si vous
>> recevez ce message par erreur, merci de le détruire et d'en avertir
>> immédiatement l'expéditeur. Toute utilisation de ce message et/ou de
>> son contenu par une personne autre qu'un destinataire, et toute
>> diffusion ou publication ultérieure du contenu de ce message, en
>> totalité ou en partie, est interdite sauf autorisation préalable et
>> écrite de l'émetteur"
>Can you turn this off?  This is, after all, a mailing list.
>clamav-users mailing list
>Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide:

Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma brièveté.

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