Out of procedural curiosity, why would someone want to disable ipv6?

> On Mar 8, 2021, at 6:40 PM, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users 
> <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Mon, 8 Mar 2021, Adam Bashore via clamav-users wrote:
>> I'm able to telnet to port 80 at db.local.clamav.net without issue. but I
>> get a 403 forbidden when i try to download main.clv directly with wget (wget
>> http://db.local.clamav.net/main.cvd)
> There's been a flurry of recent activity on the mailing list about the
> abuse of ClamAV DB service, see the archives for more detail but I
> think Joel's reply has answered this part.
>> I'm not convinced that it's a network issue. Can anyone explain why
>> freshclam appears to be trying IPv6 even though the host only has an IPv4
>> address on eth1?
> I think it is a network issue.  Most network software doesn't know
> what interface it's going to use, it just asks the resolver for an
> address.  Your resolver provides an IPv6 address and freshclam tries
> to use it.
> To build freshclam (and everything else) from source without IPv6
> support you could (at least theoretically, I've never tried it myself)
> use the 'configure' option '--disable-ipv6'.  Alternatively, which I'd
> suggest is preferable, you can fix the network's IPv6 connectivity.
> -- 
> 73,
> Ged.
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