On 05.01.21 22:33, Richard Graham via clamav-users wrote:
You also may want to install it from the Ubuntu repo.


I recommend installing clamav using ubuntu packages, especially when you
don't know hot to compile/install from sources.

On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 9:36 PM David Copeland <d...@davidcopeland.ca> wrote:
You might have a look at:


On 2021-01-05 2:29 p.m., Mark Burzenski via clamav-users wrote:
I downloaded the tar.gz for Clamav, then gunzipped it, then moved it to
its own directory and un tarred it. Now I have a directory full of files
and no idea how to get clamav installed.

New to Linux
using Ubuntu 20.04 in a Virtual box environment.
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