Thanks! I've modified the setting. Seems very likely that this is the

On Wed, 2 Dec 2020 at 09:41, Andrew C Aitchison <>

> On Wed, 2 Dec 2020, PenguinWhispererThe via clamav-users wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a webserver with 4GB of memory that also functions as a
> mailserver.
> > The mail volume is rather low (perhaps a few hundred mails/day).
> > Almost every day around the same time I get a swap usage warning and once
> > in a while clamd crashes because it has no more swap space available
> > blocking mails from being processed.
> >
> > Right now it uses about 1.3GB and all is fine. I'm using FreeBSD. I'm
> > trying to see the logic why every day around the same time clamd decides
> to
> > need so much more memory. It's not like it needs it to process the
> emails.
> >
> > I've searched and read that clamd uses a lot of memory (30% is indeed
> quite
> > a lot). But nowhere I see these kinds of numbers (multiple gigabytes).
> > Having it use 60% memory (at least 2.3GB when it crashes) is getting
> > ridiculous. Since all mails are being processed just fine when clamd uses
> > 1.3GB I don't want to just increase the memory as it might start using
> 60GB
> > at some point for no clear reason.
> >
> > I didn't modify cronjobs recently so I'm unclear on why this seems to be
> a
> > periodic thing. I had it like weeks in a row at around 15:45. Then it
> > seemed to have switched to 17:45 and had it now once at 19:45. There
> seems
> > to be this 2 hour change in it or it's something that happens every 2
> hours
> > and circumstances get "just right" later and later.
> >
> > Anyone experienced the same? Knows what's going on? Has a solution to
> this
> > (not looking for "don't run clamAV as a daemon")?
> says
> Major changes
>      clamd can now reload the signature database without blocking
> scanning.
> This multi-threaded database reload improvement was made possible thanks
> to a community effort.
>          Non-blocking database reloads are now the default behavior. Some
> systems that are more constrained on RAM may need to disable non-blocking
> reloads, as it will temporarily consume double the amount of memory. We
> added a new clamd config option ConcurrentDatabaseReload, which may be set
> to no.
> --
> Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK

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