
Have you tried C:\\Windows or C:/Windows.

Just a thought.


On 23/10/2020 19:46, Marcy Rogers via clamav-users wrote:

Thank you for the advice.

When I installed Clamav for Windows, the install places the Clamav in the c:\program files. I followed the instructions for installing Clamav for Windows and placed the clamd.conf file in the c:\program files\clamav. I ran powershell as an admin and edited the clamd.conf file.  I will attach the config file that I am using.
In the config file, you will see this.
# Don't scan files and directories matching regex
# This directive can be used multiple times
# Default: scan all
#ExcludePath "C:\temp"
ExcludePath "C:\Windows"

I have removed the # sign in front of the "c:\windows" because I want to exclude it from being scanned. The C:Windows is still being scanned even though I have told Clamd.exe not to scan that directory.
# Perform a database check.
# Default: 600 (10 min)
SelfCheck 3600

This was set at 600 before I changed it to 3600 minutes.  Clamd.exe is reading to do a selfcheck every 3600 minutes but it is not reading to excludepath "c:\windows"

I have tried to force it to read the clamd.conf and it still scans the c:\windows directory even if it is excluded.

Added my config file as a text file hoping someone can help me out.  I have been working on this for 4 months now.  I am scanning but it is taking over 5 hours to scan and I would like to cut that down by not scanning the Window directory.



On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 2:26 PM G.W. Haywood via clamav-users <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net <mailto:clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>> wrote:

    Hi there,

    On Fri, 23 Oct 2020, Marcy Rogers via clamav-users wrote:

     > Good Morning,

    Good evening. :)

     > I have Clamav on Windows Servers.  I am running clamd.exe in
     > with this command, .\clamd.exe
     > Do you need to put the config file in there for clamd.exe to read
    it?  I
     > understood that just running clamd.exe should read the config file.

    Most tools which use a configuration file will have a 'default'
    location (often more than one location) where they will look for a
    configuration file if they aren't told where to look for it in the
    command itself.  The clamd daemon has such a default but I don't know
    what it is for your system, you should be able to find documentation
    which tells you.  The same documentation will tell you how to specify
    the location of the file on the command line.

     > I am asking because the clamd.exe is not reading my config file
    because I
     > have excluded c:windows but it is still scanning c:\windows folder.

    To be clear, are we talking about the 'ExcludePath' directive?

    Sometimes tools are fussy about the precise syntax of configration
    options.  If your clamd is reading the configuration file which you
    think it is reading and you have properly set the exclusion in the
    configuration then you may need to experiment with the syntax.  As I
    don't use clamd on Windows I have no experience to offer but I'm sure
    that someone else here will.

    The clamd daemon does not itself scan things from the command line.
    Another tool such as clamdscan (which uses clamd to do the scan) or
    clamscan (which doesn't) will do that.  So if you run clamd.exe from
    the command line would not expect a scan to take place immediately,
    all that I'd expect to happen is that the daemon would be started.



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