Several of the problems that we’ve observed are things like a dockerized 
container or a VM that is reset constantly, so instead of being able to 
download the cdiffs, those machines have to download the whole daily/main.  
Those could benefit from a local mirror. 

Abusers are present but infrequent. If you’re using freshclam, you’re doing it 
right.   If you have python or curl downloading everything every 5 minutes — 
I’m going to block you.  

Sent from my  iPhone

> On Sep 2, 2020, at 07:54, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users 
> <> wrote:
> Hi there,
>> On Wed, 2 Sep 2020, Andrew C Aitchison via clamav-users wrote:
>> The sample freshclam.conf ...
>>       # Default: 12 (every two hours)
>> ...
>> but
>> ...
>>       2. Reduce the checks to once or twice a day.
>> Would it make sense to make these agree ?
> +1
> Bear in mind that a normal freshclam database update check (which is
> just a DNS query) doesn't necessarily result in the download of any
> file - not even of a .cdiff file.
> In the same blog post it says that the databases are only updated once
> per day.  In view of the types of threat that some folks have to deal
> with that seems a little infrequent, although I do understand that
> there are pressures on resources. Also bear in mind that if the update
> frequency is once per day both at the server and at the client, then
> if the timings are unfortunate the delay between an update at source
> and the update by a client could be almost _two_ days.
> Finally the blog post talks about a small number of IPs which seem to
> be downloading the main and daily databases tens of thousands of times
> per day.  While I suppose it is plausible that these are deliberately
> malicious downloads it seems more likely to me that the explanation is
> incompetence in large organizations which have a lot of workstations
> behind NAT firewalls.  I suspect a local caching proxy or mirror could
> eliminate some of the problems, but the blog post does not mention it.
> -- 
> 73,
> Ged.
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