Feel free to check the TXT record once an hour or whenever you want.  Checking 
the TXT record will tell you if there is a diff to download, for sure, and then 
you can go download that diff.

The problem isn’t that, the problem is downloading the ENTIRE main.cvd and 
daily.cvd once a minute, every minute (or in some cases, several times in the 
same minute)

Sent from my  iPad

> On Jul 28, 2020, at 19:02, Paul Kosinski via clamav-users 
> <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> wrote:
> "...we also only release updates once a day."
> Are there *never* any urgent virus updates released in between? In
> other words, is it always useless to check the TXT record more often?
>> On Mon, 27 Jul 2020 22:09:31 +0000
>> "Joel Esler \(jesler\) via clamav-users" <clamav-users@lists.clamav.net> 
>> wrote:
>> https://blog.clamav.net/2020/07/freshclam-cdiffs-effect-on-bandwidth.html<https://blog.clamav.net/2020/07/freshclam-cdiffs-effect-on-bandwidth.html?m=1>
>> Freshclam, cdiffs and bandwidth are your friends
>> During a recent review of file downloads from our ClamAV CDN network, we've 
>> noticed hundreds of IPs that seem to be downloading the daily.cvd and the 
>> main.cvd thousands of times a day.
>> There are about a dozen IPs that are downloading those to files more than 
>> 40,000 times a day. This is causing us to transfer about 250TB of data a 
>> day. We would encourage any users still doing this to cease as soon as 
>> possible. Not only does it waste our bandwidth — as we have much more 
>> efficient ways of downloading the updates — but it also wastes your 
>> bandwidth, as well.
>> Freshclam has the ability to download partial files of updates (called 
>> cdiffs).  Which are smaller, more incremental updates to the database. This 
>> allows users, and us, to manage our downloads in a much more efficient 
>> manner. We often receive the complaint, "I have to download the daily.cvd 
>> and main.cvd with Python and move the updates to an off-internet system."  
>> That's fine — it's a use case we support. However, you can do the same with 
>> freshclam and the small cdiffs.
>> Furthermore, we also only release updates once a day.  Reducing the number 
>> of updates you check for (and, subsequently, download we assume through a 
>> crontab or periodic job of some type) would also alleviate this issue.
>> We will be constantly monitoring this in hopes that people migrate to using 
>> freshclam.  Over-abusers (for instance, the top 10 IPs that are downloading 
>> main.cvd 40,000 times a day), will be immediately blocked.  Further abusers 
>> may also be blocked, without notice.
>> To mitigate, please complete the following tasks:
>> 1. Use Freshclam instead of Python or whatever downloading script you have 
>> cron'd.
>> 2. Reduce the checks to once or twice a day.
>> Thank you for helping keep the ClamAV network healthy.
>> Any questions, please see us over on the ClamAV-Users list.
>> Sent from my  iPhone
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