Hi there,
On Fri, 10 Apr 2020, N, BijayKumar via clamav-users wrote:
... G.W. Haywood wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 2020, N, BijayKumar via clamav-users wrote:
> > ... clamd service is not running. ...
> Please tell us exactly exactly what you installed, from where
> exactly you obtained it, when you obtained it, exactly how you
> installed it, and exactly what you did to enable and start the clamd
> and freshclam services on the computer. Please also tell us exactly
> what operating system you are using (including its version) and
> please give us some details about the computer - particularly how
> much RAM is has.
I have followed all the steps as is from this documentation below to
install it .Followed the commands mentioned in the document to
install clamd and freshclam. Have installed it on win server 2012 R2
standard and machine has 8gb ram.
Those above steps i have followed but I could not see any clam
service running .
The document to which you linked in your reply gives more than one
procedure. In my request for better information, I used the word
'exactly' six times.
Please give enough detail so that people on this list, who read your
messages but know nothing about your situation except what you write,
have the best chance of being able to help you.
If you are unable to tell us exactly what you did, perhaps you should
completely remove all the ClamAV software, then start again, but this
time make notes of everything that you do in your diary or workbook,
so that afterwards you will know what you have done, and can tell us.
Is your server software still supported? Mainstream support for
Windows Server 2012 R2 ceased in September 2018:
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