Hi there,

Thanks for the excellent extra information, it makes things a lot clearer.

On Mon, 10 Feb 2020, Tom Ossman via clamav-users wrote:

... the VirusEvent script (also cleansed).

Does the script contain the first two lines as in the version which
you sent to me?  If so, remove them.  See the 'man' page for the
'file' utility and use it on your script. :)

I was not aware the the code was that new, I'll review the link ...

Maybe this will help too:


The "server" instance is a t3a.small, 2 CPUs and 2 GB of memory...

I'm not sure that's be enough memory for what you're doing, I suggest
at least 4GB.  From personal experience I'd recommend Nagios or Icinga
to monitor resource usage.  Depending on your familiarity with things
like Apache it can be a steep learning curve, but once you have it
under your belt it's difficult to imagine working without something
like that when you have to look after more than about half a dozen




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