*Is it possible to configure the "clamd@scan" service to notify me by email
if any threats are found? If so how can I do this?*
*NOTE:* Examples and/or documentation are most welcome! By the way, I have
"sendmail" application configured on all servers in my infrastructure.

*IMPORTANT:* I noticed that there is a parameter called "VirusEvent" in the
"/etc/clamd.d/scan.conf" file...

# Execute a command when virus is found. In the command string %v will
# be replaced with the virus name.
# Default: no
#VirusEvent /usr/local/bin/send_sms 123456789 "VIRUS ALERT: %v"

... but it seems that its option is buggy and was only fixed in version
0.102-beta (
) and my version is this...

[root@localhost ~]# clamscan -V
ClamAV 0.101.5/25707/Sun Jan 26 08:40:28 2020

Thanks! =D

*Eduardo Lúcio*
LightBase Consultoria em Software Público
*+55-61-3347-1949 - http://brlight.org <http://brlight.org/> - Brasil-DF*
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*Abraham Lincoln*

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