For my install, I had multiple instances of clamd running (in order to have
different databases loaded for different purposes) and the systemd sockets
were throwing errors about other processes using them, which in turn caused
the additional instances of clamd service units to fail. However, the clamd
service units started perfectly fine when the socket units were removed
entirely since clamd creates the sockets if they're not present.

I'm not sure how those files get created, but it looks like it might be
from the SysV Generator for SystemD. The best bet is to remove the
/etc/init.d files and only use proper SystemD service unit files on
systemd-based OS.

The Unit file that works for me is below. It's deployed by Puppet so please
excuse the stuff inside <% %>. You could probably turn it into a SystemD
service template and use instances instead, but I had issues getting those
to be properly enabled inside SystemD and just went with separate service
definitions for each of my instances.


Description=Clam AntiVirus daemon <%= $service_name %>
Documentation=man:clamd(8) man:clamd.conf(5)
# Check for database existence
ConditionPathExistsGlob=/opt/clamav/share/<%= $service_name -%>/*.[hn]db

ExecStart=/opt/clamav/clamav/sbin/clamd -c /opt/clamav/etc/<%=
$service_name -%>.conf --foreground=true

# Reload the database
ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR2 $MAINPID


On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 11:41 PM Orion Poplawski <> wrote:

> On 11/9/19 2:46 AM, Frans de Boer wrote:
> > LS,
> >
> > I use several machines and found that most of the time the use of the
> > 'clamav-daemon.socket' file only leads to a startup failure of clamd.
> > Why is this file file in the first place? I ask this because clamd is
> > already creating the socket - that is, when the socket was not created
> > earlier.
> >
> > In my current configurations, I just disabled the
> > clamav-clamonacc.socket file without problem.
> >
> > So, what is it's intended use?
> >
> > --- Frans.
> In the abstract, systemd .socket units are intended to avoid startup
> load and/or consuming resources for services that do not run all the
> time.  They are generally only useful to services that start up quickly.
>   I started looking at the possibility of shipping it with the Fedora
> package but decided that clamd does not meet these expectations.  It has
> a very long startup time and so systems almost always what it started
> immediately so that it can respond quickly when needed.  I would
> recommend just dropping it.
> --
> Orion Poplawski
> Manager of NWRA Technical Systems          720-772-5637
> NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
> 3380 Mitchell Lane             
> Boulder, CO 80301       
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