On 13/11/2019 12:19, Andrew Watkins via clamav-users wrote:

I get the following error a few times a day for a while, so I thought I would look into it.

I am using mimedefang to send mail to clamd and it works fine, but at random point of the day I get the error:

mimedefang.pl[26234]:  xAD8PbeZ009878: Timeout reading from clamd daemon at /var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock mimedefang.pl[26234]:  xAD8PbeZ009878: Problem running virus scanner: code=999, category=cannot-execute,

The problem is clamd has not being sent any other mails so don't see it is a queuing problem.

For example I added a debug in mimedefang when it sends data to clamd:

mail 1) Nov 13 08:19:10 mimedefang send data to clamd
mail 1) Nov 13 08:19:11 mimedefang receives an answer
mail 2) Nov 13 08:25:38 mimedefang send data to clamd
mail 2) Nov 13 08:26:38 Timeout reading from clamd daemon at /var/spool/MIMEDefang/clamd.sock YES! 60 seconds
mail 2) Nov 13 08:26:38 mimedefang tries again
mail 2) Nov 13 08:26:38 mimedefang gets error: Problem running virus scanner: code=999, category=cannot-execute, action=tempfail
mail 3) Nov 13 08:28:21 works again

So, my question is there any tracing I can put in place so that I can see what clamd is doing at this time. I looked at clamdtop but that show live information so no good. At this time the email it breaks on is randon and small.

Check if it's coinciding with clamd reloading its databases. Clamd currently doesn't scan when reloading databases.

Look for:

Nov 13 11:37:04 clamd clamd[15795]: SelfCheck: Database modification detected. Forcing reload.
Nov 13 11:37:04 clamd clamd[15795]: Reading databases from /var/lib/clamav
Nov 13 11:37:56 clamd clamd[15795]: Database correctly reloaded (13057843 signatures)

Good luck,


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