On 30/10/2019, 12:43, "clamav-users on behalf of Steffen Sledz" 
<clamav-users-boun...@lists.clamav.net on behalf of sl...@dresearch-fe.de> 
> Here "the expression" matches in all.tar, but not in allaa, not in allab, and 
> not in allac. Hmmm again?
> For me this is confusing!

If you look back at the response from Al Varnell, you'll see that the decoded 
signature has several parts, all joined together by wildcard matches.

It's quite plausible that the match is on the first few bytes, some bytes 
several megabytes later, some more bytes several megabytes later still, and 
then the last few bytes in the file.

If that's the case (and with a tar file that's reasonably plausible), then 
bisecting/dissecting your file means that the signature will never match. It 
will only match on the whole entire file.

There's a form here: https://www.clamav.net/reports/fp

...through which you can report false positives, but you will need to provide 
your file.



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