On 07/10/2019 08:57, Sergey wrote:
> On Friday 13 September 2019, Markus Kolb via clamav-users wrote:
>> I've opened an enhacement bug for this: 
>> https://bugzilla.clamav.net/show_bug.cgi?id=12389
> Thanks. But I have one more question. Do I understand correctly
> that when loading main.cvd base rules are created quickly and 
> the problem is in their subsequent update from daily.* files?
> Maybe it's time to update main.cvd and reduce daily.* while
> bug 12389 is being processed?

I support this idea. Daily.cvd is at the moment bigger than main.cvd and
main.cvd has not beeen updated at least two years (maybe even more).

Best Regards
        Vladislav Kurz


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