G.W. Haywood via clamav-users wrote:
To find out what might work and what might not, here's what I did:

Using 'clamd':

1. I moved the 'main.cld' and 'daily.cld' files from my working clamav
database directory to a temporary directory, replaced them with empty
files, and by sending a message to its TCP port I told one of my clamd
daemons to reload its databases.  (By default clamd doesn't listen on
TCP, but I normally configure that anyway.)  Here's what happened:

Aug 25 08:28:01 mail6 root: PONG
Aug 25 08:28:20 mail6 ged: RELOADING
Aug 25 08:28:23 mail6 clamd[4518]: Reading databases from /etc/mail/clamav
Aug 25 08:28:23 mail6 clamd[4518]: reload db failed: Malformed database
Aug 25 08:28:23 mail6 clamd[4518]: Terminating because of a fatal error.
Aug 25 08:28:23 mail6 clamd[4518]: Pid file removed.
Aug 25 08:28:23 mail6 clamd[4518]: --- Stopped at Sun Aug 25 08:28:23 2019

The clamd daemon disliked the empty 'main' and 'daily' files and died.
I guess some folk might prefer it to carry on with the old databases,
but at least it's very clear what's happened.

From my own experience, I expect this is because they were, as per the error, "malformed". ClamAV is very picky about this - too picky IMO.

If a signature database is present, it is expected to contain at least one signature, which is a valid signature for the database "type". An empty file is not a valid signature database file.

6. The same, using a database directory containing just an empty file:

mail6:~/src/net/mail/clamav-0.101.4/test$ >>> ls -l /etc/mail/clamav/empty/
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 25 10:25 empty.ign2

mail6:~/src/net/mail/clamav-0.101.4/test$ >>> /usr/local/bin/clamscan -d /etc/mail/clamav/empty clam.exe
clam.exe: OK

This is consistent with my experience; .ign[2] is basically a list of signatures to ignore, and so it can reasonably be empty. Strictly speaking it's not a signature database file, because it does not contain actual signatures - just the names of signatures to ignore/skip.

If you wanted to use *ONLY* one or more of the internal heuristic tests, this is probably the best option.



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