
I don’t like to make specific promises in public regarding release dates or new 
features.  However, we are expecting this to be ready for the 0.102.0 release, 
which is planned to go into beta anywhere from late June to early August.


From: Yogesh <yogesh.giriku...@zoho.com>
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 2:03 PM
To: "Micah Snyder (micasnyd)" <micas...@cisco.com>, ClamAV users ML 
Cc: Yogesh Girikumar <yogesh.giriku...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [clamav-users] VirusEvent notification


Thank you for the response.
On 4/16/19 8:51 PM, Micah Snyder (micasnyd) wrote:
I’m sorry to say VirusEvent for On-Access scanning has been disabled since 
0.100 was released.  I was unaware that there was nothing in the 0.100 release 
notes or that no other announcement was made.  My apologies.
Can we retroactively add this to the release notes?

We’re actively re-working the OnAccess scanning feature, placing it in an 
external tool that interfaces with clamd, similar to how clamdscan or 
clamav-milter interface with clamd.  Once this is complete, VirusEvent will 
work correctly with OnAccess scans.

This information is worth an announcement. Also, should I assume there's some 
timeline for these fixes? A milestone release might include this fix, perhaps?


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