That was the point i was trying to make,  these sigs are more applicable to 
people wishing to scan email communication (wether file based or via a plugin), 
if you are not dealing with email on your servers then tbey reperesent an 
unnessacary overhead.  Our servers scan individual files uploaded via our app 
as part of the upload process.  We dont have any way of recieving or storing on 
the disks any email communications.

We have to scan our servers for iso27001 and iso27018 compliance.

Sent from Nine<>
From: Maarten Broekman via clamav-users <>
Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2019 00:48
To: ClamAV users ML
Cc: Maarten Broekman
Subject: [External] Re: [clamav-users] [External] Re: Scan very slow

Given that the PhishTank signatures, specifically, have been causing the 
performance issues, no. It's not unreasonable to want to pull them, and only 
them, out. Having them in a separate db file would be highly beneficial to 
those of us that don't want or need them at all. Barring that, having a 
configuration option to disable them that is separate from heuristics and 
safebrowsing would be just as effective.


On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 10:43 AM Matus UHLAR - fantomas 
<<>> wrote:
On 05.04.19 22:05, Tim Hawkins wrote:
>Does clamav partition the database so that signatures that are mainly 
>associated with email scanning can be dropped out for folks only needing 
>filesystems scans,  none of our systems use email, and we dont make use of the 
>mailer extension.

how do you imagine e-mails are scanned, when not as files?
it's not usually efficient to pass them to clamav through a socket, it's
better to store them locally and pass a file descriptor...

>Having to load all the email focused signatures could as you have observed 
>impact performance.

I doubt so.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas,<> ;
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Varovanie: na tuto adresu chcem NEDOSTAVAT akukolvek reklamnu postu.
On the other hand, you have different fingers.


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