On 23/10/2018 16:17, Paul Kosinski wrote:
Two observations: First, a smoothly working freshclam mechanism
shouldn't require workarounds.
Well, yes, but it works smoothly for a very large number of people, myself included.

And I suspect many ClamAV users
wouldn't be able to deal with workarounds like this.
This I disagree with - if they are bright enough to go looking for something like ClamAV then they'd be able to handle the trivial task of adding a line to a crontab file.

Second, any time freshclam fails due to an out-of-sync problem, there
has been a useless load on the mirrors (although I suppose using cdiffs
would significantly reduce the useless data transfer). Plus there is
useless load on the client machine and its LAN.
There is a load only on the mirrors you are accessing, the rest of them keep doing their job.

Have you absolutely ruled out the possibility of someone having set up a transparent proxy on your border router(s)?

                Gary    B-)
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